Friday, April 8, 2011

Uhuru's Visions of Kenya

Here are Uhuru's pictures from our walk and her captions.

There are animals EVERYWHERE:  chickens pecking in yards, goats and sheep grazing by the side of roads, and cattle being herded by five-year-old boys with sticks. And since it is lambing season, there are lambs everywhere! Here a lamb suckles milk from its mother.

Cattle are everywhere here, as I said before. They are rambling across roads, being herded by boys, standing in pastures, grazing next to paths or even in people’s tiny yards, and tied up by ropes on their legs. This one was in a pasture next to the dirt road we were walking on.
There are many types of trees that are very different from the ones we see back home. Pale-colored ones with spear-shaped, glossy leaves that we think might be eucalyptus, scraggly, flat-topped ones seen from a distance, some type of conifer (cedar?), and many more. We aren’t sure what this one is called.

Many people walk the dusty dirt road we walked on. Motorcycles zoom by every few minutes, children lug heavy burdens, people walk bikes, and every now and then a beat-up car rumbles by. Whenever we see children they scream “How are you” over and over. Here is a group of people walking along the road.

                 Men plow fields with cattle. You don’t see that in Ellensburg!                 

There are LOTS of mosquitoes here. We are being eaten alive! Every night we have to sleep under a bed net, a canopy of mosquito netting, to avoid being bitten. And then you can still hear them whining outside the net, which keeps me from sleeping! Luckily, we don’t think mosquitoes in this part of Kenya (Iten, near the Kerio Valley) has malaria-carrying mosquitoes. And if it does, it doesn’t have very many.    


  1. Thank you for sharing all of your pictures, and experiences with us. We hope your first day visiting your new school went well.
    Addie wants to know how you are liking wearing skirts?
    Mikhayla wonders about the number of animals you see everyday?
    What is it like to sleep under at net? (Amy)
    Hello from all of your friends in room 9!!
    Ms Repp and class!

  2. Hi's Mrs. Yeager. Great photos! It sounds like you are having a great time and enjoying all the new things Kenya has to offer. Enjoy your time there. :)
